I could bike alongside 774 people-all with a year-long bikeshare membership on my behalf.

[via Capital Bikeshare]

I could give 580 tourists new Smartrip Cards to experience DC with

[via WMATA]

I could drive between Washington DC and San Francisco 146 times (73 roundtrips)

Assuming the following Averages:

$3.518 per gallon
24.8 mpg average
15 gallon car

Averages taken from the following sites:

Chicago Tribune: Cars
Date Record of AAA average

My Calculations:



*Assuming I can drive

I could take 2900 trips from DC to New York City (1450 roundtrip)

[via Gotobus]

I could replenish my stock of avocados with 58000 more avocados

[via Whole Foods]

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